Mariusz Waras neix al 1978 a Gdynia. Artista gràfic, pintor a l’aire lliure, viatger. Graduat al Departament d’Arts Gràfiques a l’Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Gdansk on actualment és professor ajudant a l’Acadèmia de Belles Arts. Mcity ha realitzat diversos centenars de murals i objectes d’art. El seu treball se centra en l’espai urbà. Els seus murals es poden veure als carrers de Varsòvia, Gdansk, Berlín, París, Jakarta, Sao Paulo, Nova York, Bolzano, Londres, Praga i molts més, així com en galeries d’art, incloent exposicions individuals.
Mariusz Waras born 1978 in Gdynia. A graphic artist, outdoor painter, traveller. Graduated from the Department of Graphic Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk where he is currently assistant lecturer in Prof. Henryk Cześnik’s painting studio. In 2013 – Ph. D at the Academy of Fine Arts. The author of the m-city project including several hundred murals and art objects. His work focuses on urban space. His murals may be seen in the streets of Warsaw, Gdańsk, Berlin, Paris, Jakarta, Sao Paulo, New York, Bolzano, London, Prague and many more, as well as in art galleries, including individual exhibitions.