Un dels motius pels que Londres respira street art pels quatre costats tot I les fortes restriccions en aquest sentit que pateix la ciutat. La seva plataforma, Global Street Art demostra la diversitat de projectes que es poden abordar amb empenta i creativitat. Actualment, està treballant en processos participatius on son els veïns els que decideixen on i com volen les intervencions urbanes al seu entorn.

Dr. Lee Bofkin is the CEO and co-founder of Global Street Art, which is a multi-channel platform for artists. They support artists online, at globalstreetart.com [5], sharing their work with over 160,000 fans on social media, and then in London by helping artists find legal spaces to paint with their Walls Project.
They have organised over 600 legal street art murals in London since 2012. Lee will be talking about Global Street Art and the major macro trends that have changed in the past 50 years, and where these will lead us. Looking at trends in street art itself, public space and also in industry, Lee will explain why our cities are becoming more painted. The central thesis, the idea of our cities becoming a Concrete Canvas, is the title of Global Street Art’s first book, which is released this October.